
Medical Marijuana: Cancer Treatment with Cannabinoids

Cancer in which the patient’s body can’t make healthy blood cells is famously known as leukemia. Leukemia begins in the soft center of many bones, the bone marrow. It is the place where your body produces blood cells. Leukemia affects blood cells and bone marrow at the same time. This disease can generate white blood cells to increase the crowd in your blood. Remember that red blood cells take oxygen from the lungs and deliver it to your whole body. Bone marrow is the manufacturing place for white blood cells, an essential part of your immune system.

Leukemia disturbs the cell and ultimately distinguishes into various types of white cells. White blood cells are of two kinds, such as lymphocyte and myeloid stem cells. Both cells may develop cancer. A lymphocyte is vital to make antibodies and defend the body against tumors and infections. The myeloid cells offer essential building blocks for different types of blood cells. Some blood cells respond to distress signals from the body and engulf dangerous pathogens. Leukemia can give rise to various other problems, such as high levels of white cells, which can decrease the number of red blood oxygen-carrying cells. It can lead to anemia, contributing to ill feelings, dizziness, and chronic fatigue.

Easy bleeding and bruising also increase the risk in leukemia patients. Cancerous blood cells can’t defend your body from different infections. It means leukemia patients are in greater danger of developing severe illnesses. It is challenging for leukemia patients to fight off fungal infections or the common cold. Leukemia can be divided into two categories: chronic and acute. Chronic leukemia begins slowly but becomes a terrible illness with time. Acute leukemia spreads quickly and becomes very severe.

Traditional Treatments for Leukemia

Conventional cancer treatments are harsh because it is often treated with radiation, chemotherapy, and transfusions. As per the American Cancer Society reports, 2 out of 3 patients who suffer from severe myeloid leukemia experience diminution. After the initial round of chemotherapy, the patients often experience successful cancer reduction. Unfortunately, the long-term side effects of chemotherapy are hazardous. Children, after high doses of chemotherapy or Hodgkin Lymphoma treatment, often develop heart problems in their lives.

Chemotherapy may lead to high blood pressure, neuropathy, hearing loss, osteoporosis, infertility, hormone problems, and lung problems. Cancer is a life-long disease in many ways. Chemotherapy can affect both healthy cells and cancer cells and ultimately cause damage to your body. Surgeries are invasive and lead to painful neuropathy. These harmful effects will not go away with time. You have to use additional therapies and medications for their treatment. Traditional cancer treatments can damage your body; therefore, it is essential to develop efficient methods to decrease harm. That is why the researchers are taking an interest in medical cannabis.

Effects of Cannabinoids on Leukemia

As per a study published in 2017, two significant cannabis compounds, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol), can successfully kill leukemia cells. This study proved that cannabinoids work well after chemotherapy. This research was accessible in the Oncology International Journal. Researchers are studying the properties of the cannabis plant to fight cancer. They have experimented with animal models and cell cultures. The early evidence suggests that cannabinoids are useful for the treatment of different kinds of leukemia. Unluckily, the worldwide restrictions on the cultivation of cannabis are severe limitations for scientific research.

Early research on marijuana plants found that this herb’s compounds can successfully reduce tumors and kill cancer cells. The study requires more trials in humans. The chemotherapy targets diseased and healthy cells, but the research proves that cannabis only attacks the infected cells while leaving healthy blood cells alone. Marijuana is safe to kill cancer cells in 4 different ways. A few mechanisms are as follows:


Once started, it is difficult to stop the growth of cancer cells. BioMed Central Cancer’s experiment proved that the psychoactive ingredients in cannabis (THC) successfully paused cancer cell cultures’ proliferation. A drug, dronabinol, is used in this study to mimic and resemble the THC effects. This drug proved useful in myeloid leukemia and acute lymphoblastic cells. The authors concluded that their research offers rigorous data to back the clinical evaluation of THC as an active, low-toxic therapy for acute leukemia patients.

The THC was proven effective against cancer cells on a broad scale. It significantly decreases the proliferation and activates the self-destruct mode of leukemia cells. The researchers found that these results can be obtained in living organisms. This research has great potential for future trials of drugs based on cannabis.

Cell Suicide

Generally, infected, diseased, and old cells die automatically. The cells self-destruct naturally under particular conditions, and this procedure is often known as cell suicide. Unfortunately, the cancer cells don’t respond to the automatic death signals, and they continue to reproduce and grow. The use of cannabis can stop this procedure.

Cancer research proved that cannabis compounds could trigger apoptosis in the tumor cells, a trademark of effective cancer drugs. A study of Cancer Research in 2006 found that the use of THC could successfully trigger apoptosis in cultured T leukemia cells. Another research shows that the anti-cancer effects of THC can act against leukemia cells. The results of THC start almost 6 hours after treatment. In this research, all cancer cell lines responded to the treatment of THC.

Anti-angiogenesis and Anti-metastatic

Leukemia is different than other cancer cells. Most cancers develop tumors that can break apart and travel to infect other body parts. Leukemia can cause the flow of unhealthy blood cells throughout your body. Cannabis compounds can inhibit other cancers and tumor formation through 2 additional mechanisms. Research proved that the anti-metastatic properties of cannabis compounds could prevent tumor cells from forming blood vessels. In the absence of blood vessels, the tumor famishes.

These traits are not inevitably pertinent to every type of leukemia and can be useful when the cancer cells develop a tumor or move outside the blood.

Management of Leukemia Symptoms with Cannabis

Cannabis is useful against leukemia in human beings. There are different ways to use herbs and decrease the incapacitating side effects and pain of chemotherapy. Marijuana helps relieve poor appetite, poor mental health, neuropathy, chronic pain, vomiting, and nausea.

Cannabinoids are active chemicals found in cannabis. These are known as phytocannabinoids and are extracted from the plant. These are used in a purified form for their anti-cancer properties. It is handy for the treatment of brain cancers. Researchers are working on the effects of cannabinoids on leukemia cells. These are compared with chemotherapy treatments to evaluate the effectiveness of cannabinoids.

As per the research team, the chemotherapy treatment with cannabinoids can be better than alone chemotherapy. This combination can reduce the side effects of chemotherapy.

Cervical Cancer: Treatment with Medical Marijuana

Cervical cancer starts in the cervix (narrow opening of the uterus from the vagina). The pink ectocervix, a section of the uterus that outspreads into the vagina, is covered with flat, thin squamous cells. The cervical canal consists of columnar cells. The T-zone (transformation zone) is a junction point of these cells. This area can develop abnormal or precancerous cells.

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HPV (human papillomavirus) is the leading cause of cervical cancers. HPV can be transmitted through sexual contact with another person (who already has this virus). Several adults get this infection in their lives, which may lead to warts and cervical cancer. To avoid this problem, women should have PAP tests annually. This test can detect changes in the cervical test before these cells become cancer. Visit a qualified doctor in your area, such as Los Angeles Gynecologist.

Marijuana for the Treatment of Cervical Cancer

CBD (cannabidiol) is an active compound that activates the degradation of the Bcl-2 pathway. It is essential to keep cells alive. Medical cannabis can alleviate the symptoms of chemotherapy-related fatigue, pain relief, vomiting and nausea, insomnia, weight loss, depression, and anxiety.

The Indica (black) gives you heavy feelings of euphoria. This strain is great for nausea, insomnia, inflammation, headaches, cancer, appetite, and pain. Indica-dominant hybrid (blue dragon) can relieve nausea, PMS/PMDD, muscle pain, muscle spasms, depression, insomnia, inflammation, cancer, cramps, back pain, body pain, appetite, and anxiety.

For the treatment of different medical conditions, marijuana is available in various forms, such as vaporizable oils, edibles, and tinctures. You can inhale cannabis to avoid minor risks linked with smoking cannabis. Along with stimulating appetite and alleviating nausea, marijuana can help cancer patients deal with chemotherapy pain.

It is good to combat depression and anxiety. These two conditions can emotionally knock down a cancer patient. Hybrid strains of marijuana are good for relaxing your body. It suits muscle pain, inflammation, cramps, body pain, and appetite. You can’t wholly rely on medical marijuana for cancer treatment. Make sure to combine medical marijuana with traditional cancer treatments. Regularly visit a qualified gynecologist to decrease the chances of cervical cancer. Here is a good name for the people of Los Angeles:



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I work for WideInfo and I love writing on my blog every day with huge new information to help my readers. Fashion is my hobby and eating food is my life. Social Media is my blood to connect my family and friends.
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