As a website owner, you have most likely heard the terms’ white hat SEO,’ ‘gray hat SEO’ and ‘black hat SEO’ when trying to get your site ranked online. Below are a few examples of each type of SEO used by various websites today.
White Hat SEO Techniques – Deemed 100% Ethical by Google.
1. High-Quality Relevant Content
Thanks to Google’s multiple algorithm updates over the past few years, this has probably become the most important white hat technique. When visitors arrive on your site, they will be expecting to find information that is not only 100% relevant to the search term they have used; they will be expecting your content to be as user-friendly as possible.
2. Responsive Design
This is another white hat technique that cannot be stressed enough. More than 50% of people now access the internet using smartphones and tablets, meaning it’s no longer good enough to fob them off with a basic mobile version of your website. You will now need a site that offers them (and your desktop users) full functionality – to paying for goods as conveniently as possible.
Gray Hat SEO Techniques – Technically Legal but Considered Unethical by Google
1. Paying for Reviews
Numerous people write reviews on various topics or products in exchange for money or other compensation forms. Many people are willing to write about virtually any case – as long as they are paid for it. This can result in their reviews not always being completely honest.
2. Abusing Sharing Buttons
While it is fully permissible to place social media sharing buttons in content, it is not ethical to click on them yourself to make site visitors think that your post has been shared more times than they have.
Black Hat SEO Techniques –Not Permitted by Google
1. Hidden Text and Links
Hidden text and links can be classified as either too small to read easily or that has been made the same color as the background that it appears on. Text and links should always be 100% legible.
2. Duplicate Content
This refers to copying and pasting content from another site onto your own to improve website traffic. Google now penalizes sites that are found to be copying content – even if they have expressed permission from the original poster. Always ensure that all of your content is 100% unique.
If all of this information seems overwhelming to you, it may be time to enlist our team’s help here at Sexologist. This will enable you to rest assured that only white hat or permissible SEO techniques are used on your website to help it rank as highly as possible online. Our Toronto OneCore Media team is waiting to hear from you.