Seo Tips

So Just What Is SEO?

SEO (search engine optimization) and PPC (pay-per-click) are two tools used to get a website on the first page of Google. A lot of people believe that SEO and marketing are the same things. While there are certain similarities, they are very different.  

So, Just What Is SEO? 

Unfortunately, because SEO is now so widespread (everybody knows it is needed, but few people know what it is), many SEO scam artists are out there. SEO experts aren’t software developers, programmers, or web developers. They generally understand it less than most other people. Instead, they are people who understand how traffic moves on the internet. 

Don't Try To Outsmart Google. SEO For Dummies

Good SEO firms do not engage in what is known as “black hat tactics.” These tactics propel a website to the first page of Google by using techniques explicitly forbidden by their terms and conditions. These sites always get found out, which means they get banned and blocked, sometimes for life. Black hat techniques should be avoided at all costs, therefore. This is, again, why it is so important to work with a true expert, someone who understands what SEO is and how it works. 

That being said, SEO is not a protected profession and is in high demand, which means many people want to become “experts.” If this is something you are interested in, you must be wary of a couple of things, including: 


  1. There are many books available on the subject, but most of them aren’t any good. 
  2. There are thousands of good SEO strategies and tactics out there, so you will have a very long learning curve. 
  3. SEO is an ongoing learning process because search engine algorithms change on a nearly daily basis. 
  4. Many SEO software packages and other available tools are completely outdated and, therefore, useless. Make sure, therefore, that you do your research on what you are purchasing. 

Good SEO Tools 

You can get perfect, free SEO tools in a couple of places. Examples include: 

  • WordPress has various open-source widgets and apps to help you with SEO. 
  • Google Sitemaps, which is free and incredibly powerful. 
  • Adcenter by MSN comes with various SEO tools that help manage their PPC offerings. 

Good, specialized SEO tools focus not on SEO as a whole but on the different elements. This includes text formatting fonts, keyword density, header tags, alt image tag text, internal and external links, and more.  

The key to good SEO has always been and will likely always be fresh, relevant content. The expression “content is king” has existed for a long time and is is likely never to go away. Content matters because this shows Google that you are working hard towards setting yourself apart as an authority, and it shows your traffic that you want to share information with them. 

About author

I work for WideInfo and I love writing on my blog every day with huge new information to help my readers. Fashion is my hobby and eating food is my life. Social Media is my blood to connect my family and friends.
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