Still, there are all kinds of dangers when using the internet and being online. Not only are there predators of all sorts, including those that might try to steal your money or your identity, but there are also things that could be scamming your ideas when you share them online. Social media is a place for sharing, but are you sharing too much? And is your stuff safe from someone else running away with your ideas?
Your intellectual property could be at risk when you share it on social media. You are putting it somewhere where millions can see it, share it, download it, and possibly try to claim it as their own. So, how can you protect the stuff you’re sharing on social media?
Watermark Photos
If you don’t want people using your photos without letting others know that they are yours, you may want to put a watermark on all images before you share them. It could be your name th,e name of your business, or even a website address.
This watermark ensures that people will know where that photo came from whenever it is shared. However, there are ways that people can edit photos and remove that info. You can, at least on Facebook, set your photos so they can’t be downloaded.
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Considering A Trademark/Copyright/Patent
There are ways to protect your ideas, your creations, and even the words that you associate with your business. It helps to learn what is what to get the protection you need for your intellectual property. If you’re not protecting the things you’ve created or written, someone could take them from you. That would be a bad thing.
Put Your Name On Documents
If you share PDFs on your social media account, make sure that your name is in there. Keep copies of all of these things that you are sharing as well. This will help you prove your ownership if something is to happen with your intellectual property.
If you are hiring people to work with you on your projects, you may want to consider having them sign a non-disclosure agreement as well. This ensures they aren’t giving your ideas to others that could use them.
Use Security Settings
Social media sites offer different security settings; look into them so you can set your pages up in a way that may better protect your posts and pictures. Just as you have anti-virus protection on your computer, you also want to protect yourself on social media.
Don’t share anything too personal either. Think before you post, and do what you can to make sure what you create stays your own!