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Got an Idea? Here’s how Technology Can Make it a Reality

The hardest aspect of being an inventor is coming up with an idea. At least, that’s what we all thought. After you have an idea, you must figure out how to tell people about it. How many of us have witnessed the recent boom of fidget spinners? We may make fun, but we’ll inevitably get one at some point to see what it’s all about and most likely end up spinning it ourselves. Surely, this great idea just sprang to life recently. There’s no way this novel could have been out there for years…right? The original idea behind the fidget spinner was hatched in the ’80s. However, its designer didn’t know how to get it to the masses, the people who would want it. So it sat on her shelf for years until her patent expired, and someone else picked it up and marketed it. These days, there’s no reason for a good idea to go unnoticed. Technology has given us ways to get our pictures in front of the people that matter: the consumers.


Crowd Funding – Cut out the middleman

So you’ve got an idea, maybe even a prototype, but you’ll need capital. You could go to the bank and apply for a loan, leaving your fate in the hands of one loan officer who may not understand what you’ve got. Or you can cut out the intermediary. Crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter and GoFundMe have allowed creators to go straight to consumers. You create a pitch, show off a prototype, and ask for money to make it a reality. You’re not just asking people to give you money. You’re selling advance orders. And, unless your goal is met, no money exchanges hands. If the people don’t get behind you, you’re not out anything. Projects from the now-popular Oculus Rift and movies have been successfully funded using crowdfunding.


Try a Social Media Campaign

With social media, we all have a soapbox to stand on and shout our opinions and thoughts. If you’re using it to post ‘pics’ of your dinner, you’re underutilizing this amazing tool. The entire concept of viral marketing is creating media that will speak to someone enough that they will share it. Then, their friends share it, and the viral campaign will eventually reach everyone. You can use this to your advantage. Make a creative video or a clever meme that will inspire curiosity. Make it short, visual, and emotional; your product will be on the tips of everyone’s tongues in no time.

Make sure you have a website.

It will help if your viral message has somewhere to send people. If you’re going to get anywhere, you need a website. Somewhere people can go when they’re intrigued about your message but want more. There are many web design services and hosting options, but you should ensure your product is front and center. If you’re trying to take advantage of a viral marketing campaign, you’ll have very little time to engage a visitor before they navigate away. Make sure the site flows and has a lot of the information on the home page. Please don’t make people search for what they want to know.

Stop—Collaborate and Listen!

Staying connected with your colleagues is easier than ever now, and it’s beyond just video chatting using Skype. You can collaborate on the cloud using apps like Evernote, OneNote, and Google Drive. You can maintain business-specific chat on apps like Flowdock or Slack. New apps are developed daily to keep people who work together connected and on the same page. Take advantage of these new apps. By keeping connected to your employees, you can take advantage of quick shifts in the market and stay ahead of the competition.

The current climate strongly supports startups. Even established businesses acknowledge the risk that startups pose to them, a testament to how well they do. If you have an idea, it is time to make it a reality. Get your picture in front of people. Let the consumers fund your vision rather than taking out costly bank loans. Use social media to spread the word and ensure a well-made website so people can find you. The tools are all there. If you take advantage, your idea could soon fund your dreams.

About author

I work for WideInfo and I love writing on my blog every day with huge new information to help my readers. Fashion is my hobby and eating food is my life. Social Media is my blood to connect my family and friends.
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