
Productivity Tips For Your Freelancing Business

If you’re a freelancer, you know how important it is to work as much as possible. Sure, you can schedule your projects when you like and choose the clients that work best for you, and those are some definite perks that mean you can work as much as you want to. But you aren’t very successful if you aren’t productive when working or can’t always discipline yourself to stay motivated. It’s a challenge every freelancer needs to face, but luckily, you can use many strategies to be more productive.

Freelancing Business

If you want to learn more about these effective strategies, read on.

1. Create the right workspace

As a freelancer, it can be tempting to work from bed. Or from your favorite nearby cafe, where moms always chat in one corner and baristas barking orders at the counter. According to Forbes, this flexibility is part of why “4 percent of employees said they would quit their jobs to work for an organization that would allow them to work remotely more often, even if their salary stayed the same.” But if you’re going to be distracted, whether by sleep or by a fun conversation you’re over-hearing, you need to set up a workspace that works for you.

If you prefer to work from home, setting up an office at home is smart. For example, if you have a spare bedroom, you can easily dedicate a corner of it to being your office. All you need is a simple desk, the technology you use (for example, a mock-up area if you design t-shirts), and a place for your coffee cup and pens. Keeping this room clean is key: a cluttered space will only lead to a cluttered mind, a rich area for distractions.

Don’t forget that if you’re working from home, you can deduct this cost from your taxes when you’re filing. To learn more about this, look at this article from Fast Company.

2. Become an expert scheduler

If you’re juggling various projects, from clients who pay you different amounts and ask for other services, you need to master your schedule. Otherwise, you’ll soon be overwhelmed, with deadlines all at the end of the month that you forgot. This is something to worry about, especially as your business grows and you get more clients. There’s a reason why multitasking causes productivity to drop by 40 percent: it’s because you’re constantly being pulled in different directions.

Your schedule should be based on your deadlines, which means long-term planning from month to month. Additionally, you need to sit down every week (dedicate a day for it) and plan the next week, and at the end of every day, make a list of what you need to do next. Putting aside freelancing work can be tempting when you’re invited to go out with friends at the last minute. But the only way you’ll know you can go is by planning your schedule so you have time for unexpected interruptions.

To learn more about effective scheduling strategies, check out this article from Goalcast.

3. Get off social media

We know social media is addictive. It’s even worse, especially if you run a freelancing business based on social media—for example, an eCommerce store you advertise on Instagram. It would help if you were online often to check out what your customers share and who’s asking questions about your products or services.

But did you know that, on average, Americans spend five hours a day on their phones? This is a scary amount of time that takes over half of a typical nine-to-five workday. And without a boss looking over your shoulder to ensure you’re working, it can be too easy to check your phone while completing freelance work.

Luckily, there’s technology out there created for a social media detox. Just a few examples include ShutApp and SPACE. Find out what works for you, and stick to it. You can always scroll through Facebook when you’ve finished your responsibilities for the day!

4. Create a rewards system

Finally, one of the best ways to stay motivated is by rewarding yourself anytime you accomplish a milestone. Since you don’t have a boss around to congratulate you or give you a raise for your hard work, you need to do it yourself. For example, you can take a long weekend off after finishing a long project.

Also, working your rewards system as much as possible is most effective for a healthy work-life balance. For example, every few hours of work, take a break. And don’t forget to exercise! Exercising for only 20 minutes benefits your mood for the next 12 hours, which means you’ll be healthier and happier, too.

By using these strategies, you’ll be more productive than ever. What other methods do you use to stay productive while running your freelancing business?

About author

I work for WideInfo and I love writing on my blog every day with huge new information to help my readers. Fashion is my hobby and eating food is my life. Social Media is my blood to connect my family and friends.
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