Conversion rate optimization or CRO is an analysis with various uses, from list signups to purchases of eCommerce websites. A conversion rate optimization can be calculated by dividing the number of those acting by those asked to take action. In other words, conversion optimization lets us determine how well our email campaigns or ads are doing. The following are some of the most common mistakes beginners make while using conversion optimization for their eCommerce website.
1. Not Optimizing the CTA
A Call-to-Action is an important part of any online marketing campaign. So, if your CTA is not clear enough for your readers to understand, you will leave all conversions to blind faith. It is essential that your CTAs are clear and placed well and utilize the right words and colors for maximum results. What’s great about CTAs is that they can be added to all the pages, just the landing page. Your website’s homepageFailing to Create a Unique Value Proposition
Failing to create a unique UVP is the worst mistake a beginner can make since this is one of the most valuable triggers for conversion. Your UVP should clearly state what you offer, its benefit, and what makes your product or service better than your competitors.
3. Not Catering to the Mobile Crowd
More people are using mobile devices than ever before, making the number of mobile users significantly higher than PC users. If you want your visitors to stay on your site, regardless of their device, you must optimize your website for cross-platform usability.
4. Not Writing Great Copy
Finally, nothing can change a person’s mind more effectively than a powerful web copy. Including great copy for your website can turn even ordinary readers into loyal and paying customers.
5. No Adding Trust Badges
Normally, people aren’t willing to share their personal information online, especially regarding their credit card information. This is why there has to be a certain level of trust that you have to create before expecting people to share their personal information online, and more specifically, with your business. This trust can easily be built by adding trust badges to your website. Norton, McAfee, TRUSTe, and BBB are some faith badges you would want to go with while trying to add credibility to your website.
6. Not Using Social Proof
Apart from adding trust badges to your site, you would also want to include social proof so interested customers can see what your product or service has done for others. According to research, around 92% of people trust a peer’s recommendation, so it pays to utilize social proof. You can add these customer testimonials to your website for all visitors.
7. Not Testing Your CRO
Testing will always remain a vital part of the process regardless of what techniques you use to improve your CRO. If you are not testing your CRO, you are probably leaving money on the table. To ensure every change you make is worth the effort, test those changes before and after implementation. This will help you determine which areas work fine and which need improvement.
So, there you go. This was your conversion funnel optimization guide that will allow you to build your online customer base in no time.