Sciatica is a painful condition that begins in the lower back. The pain then shoots down into the legs and can also be felt in your feet. A herniated disk is often the cause of sciatica, but a bone spur can also play its part. The pain is caused by the bone spur or disk pressing on your sciatic nerve. Many patients have intense, sharp pain, weakness, numbness, and tingling in their legs.
The good news is there are some treatments for sciatica. This article will look at some of those treatments, making you more likely to find an option that works well for you.
Physical Therapy
People who suffer from sciatica often have physical therapy. This type of treatment can help. This is because patients are often given exercises and stretching routines to do. These routines can improve their posture, so less pressure is applied to the sciatic nerve.
Please note that you should always follow your physical therapist’s advice carefully. Over-exerting yourself could result in even more pain.
Exercise can make a world of difference to your condition. This is because inflammation can be reduced. Going for a walk can help; you have to ensure you’re not walking for a long time.
If you visit a chiropractor, they will tell you what exercises can help and which exercises you should avoid. Please make sure you always listen to the advice of any health professional. They can help you reduce your pain and inflammation. Take it easy when starting a new exercise routine to ensure you do not overdo it. If the pain begins to get worse, you should stop.
Medication can help with the pain and inflammation. One of the first medications you should choose is an anti-inflammatory medication. Other types of medicine, such as ibuprofen, aspirin, and naproxen, can help. However, they should not be taken for long periods without consulting your doctor first.
If over-the-counter medication does not work, your doctor has other options. Muscle relaxants can help, and these include amitriptyline and antidepressants. If you’re in a lot of pain, your doctor might even suggest that you have a steroid injection. However, these injections are not meant to be used in the long term.
Alternative Therapy
Some people find that alternative therapies work well. Treatments such as massage, acupuncture, and yoga can prove beneficial. However, it would help to always speak to your doctor before you embark on therapy. This is to ensure that you won’t do anything that could cause you even more pain.
Cold and Hot Packs
If you have ever placed a cold or a hot pack against your skin, you’ll know how it can help. The relief from the cold or heat can make a real difference. When treating sciatica, you might want to consider using cold and hot packs.
Start by applying a cold pack to your lower back for several minutes. Do this a few times a day. After the first few days, switch to using heat packs. Apply the heat pack to your lower back for several minutes. You should find that these packs make you feel more relaxed, and you could be in less pain.
Sciatica is a particularly nasty condition, but there are some things you can do for your pain. Use some or all of the above methods to help you feel better. In all cases, please speak to your doctor to know you’re getting the care you need.