
Tips on getting the most out of your GPS

Author Bio: I am John Lewis, a blogger, survivalist, and outdoor enthusiast. You can follow me over at Epic Wilderness.


Nowadays, the use of GPS has become rampant for people to get from one place to another. This includes the use of GPS for hiking, hunting, and driving. Besides utilizing this wonderful technology to keep yourself safe, you should still look into other important tools if you are a hunter, especially those who hunt with a bow.

Tips on getting the most out of your GPS 1

However, besides knowing some tips, you must choose a suitable GPS. This would mean that you have to look at several aspects, including having an excellent display quality where you can see the screen in different weather conditions, ensuring a huge amount of storage enough for your use.

Other aspects to look for are its portability, whether the device is waterproof, how long the battery can last with your unit, and generally, how good is the GPS reception. After choosing a GPS wisely, you can employ the tips below to get the most out of your GPS!

Speeding up your satellite lock

Several methods can be employed to speed up your GPS’s satellite lock. First, you should update the almanac information from GPS satellites. A way to effectively download this information is to leave your GPS powered on under an open sky without moving it for around 20 minutes. It would help if you did this whenever you feel that your unit takes a long time for satellite acquisition.

Second, which can be employed when you are in a new location, you can turn on the new site when you travel to give your GPS a heads-up on where you are going. This would speed up the satellite lock later.

Utilizing the emergency signal

One important thing to use is the distress signals and navigational aids available in some GPS units. It involves two kinds of transmitters, namely the personal locator beacons and satellite messengers.

Personal locator beacons are usually used to give out distress signals using the Distress Alerting Satellite System (DASS). However, this transmission method can only be employed if caught in severe emergencies.

Concerning satellite messengers, this is what the ordinary hiker or hunter would utilize. This is considered one method to help you inform your rescuers about the coordinates you are in. If any of these methods are used, there is no need to ‘search’ for those who are lost, and they can immediately work on rescuing us. But do note that you need to install an adapter into your GPS for this function because most GPS units would only have receivers.

Constantly update your firmware.

This is software placed in your GPS, and it would be updated based on the manufacturer of that particular modal. Usually, these software updates do not require a fee to obtain them free from the manufacturer. These updates can make your GPS operate smoother and even fix system glitches.

Do remember that different GPS manufacturers provide their updates differently. For example, Garmin has a WebUpdater application helps you check for updates. For Magellan units, you can search its support page.

You can also consider updating your maps in a year or two because there would be a fee. Usually, you can find the map updates on the manufacturer’s website. You can be sure your GPS is in good shape by constantly updating your unit’s software.

Learn how to do scouting with your GPS

Scouting is a method you can employ when hunting, mountaineering, or getting to know your terrain better. You would utilize computer maps to see what the landscape looks like. Afterward, you can mark those interesting locations on your computer and transfer those waypoints into your GPS.

You can follow your waypoints when you travel, which is an easier reference in some situations. You can also consider adding your Point of Interest (POI), which is easy! This is especially useful when you travel on foot. Do note that most POI information in your GPS may be outdated or lack the necessary information.

Therefore, this is a good way to add more locations you are interested in and travel to them!


If you can effectively use these tips, you can use your GPS for what it’s worth! These are just some general tips that the population at large can employ. For example, if you are a hunter specifically, other methods can be used to increase your hunt’s success rate.

Those methods would include using your GPS to distinguish between public and private land, how to best place your hunting stand, or even using different navigation methods, which you can refer to most conveniently. Make sure you have sufficient memory and power for your GPS! If you have any tips or experiences you would like to share, please do so in the comment box below!

About author

I work for WideInfo and I love writing on my blog every day with huge new information to help my readers. Fashion is my hobby and eating food is my life. Social Media is my blood to connect my family and friends.
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