Many people buy and apply things in their houses that contain asbestos, a highly harmful substance. Asbestos is mostly found in homes built in the 80s because of its insulating and fire-resistant properties.
It was mostly used in wall plasters, floors, ceiling tiles, floor mastics, etc. Little did people know about the harmful effects of asbestos back then. Asbestos is not dangerous until it’s properly intact and undamaged, but a higher amount of traces can threaten the health of its members.
It can pose severe health problems such as asthma, skin allergies, viral infections, and other infections. So, it is better to get your home tested by a licensed asbestos tester who can detect the levels of asbestos in your house. Once you learn know about the asbestos standards, you can call asbestos removal professionals who can safely and correctly perform the task.
But before that, here are points that will help you safely remove asbestos that you can keep in mind before calling the specialists-
Take precautions before starting-
It is better to keep the area sealed, especially the things affected by asbestos. You can use plastic sheets to fill the furniture and objects and keep them away. If you cannot move the objects, then make sure to isolate them.
Keep yourself safe-
Do not deal with the stuff with bare hands and an uncovered face. It is highly recommended to wear a respirator when dealing with material that has asbestos. Other things that must be worn while working in the area include rubber gloves, boots, goggles, and a disposable coverall. Remove and keep them in a safe place once you are done with the work.
While Working with Asbestos-
When working with asbestos, make sure the place is free from people. Ensure that the asbestos-infected things are wet with water and dish soap to remove the area’s dust. Please safely dispose of the material in a waste bag so street dogs and other animals may not engulf it when looking for food.
Once you remove the material, it’s time to clean the place and decontaminate it. Make sure to dispose of the gloves and other safety equipment after using them.
Cleaning up the work area-
Seal the bags carefully that contain asbestos material and debris. Place each of the bags separately. After doing so, wipe the place with a damp cloth wiper to clean it, but remember not to use a vacuum cleaner to remove the debris.
Do not reuse the rags used for cleaning the area after removing asbestos. Dispose of the safety clothes and safety mask only after completing the task. After that, shower thoroughly.
Being unprofessional, people tend to make mistakes, which can be hazardous; therefore, always call asbestos removal specialists trained in dealing with harmful substances.