Starting your blog can be a great form of self-expression. You can share with people and uniquely exchange ideas by talking face-to-face.
Some people find that they have such great success with their blog that they even make a career out of it and monetize advertising.
If this is enough to excite you about starting a blog, the next step is deciding what you want to write about. Since blogging is all about individual expression, the possibilities for choosing your subject matter are limitless.
Not sure what your first post should be about? Here are some ideas to get you started.
Review a Product
One of the most popular things you can find on blogs is people buying and reviewing technology or other products. This is useful for people who come across their blog and want to discover the scoop on something without buying it themselves.
Once you start building a big enough audience, you might find that companies will begin to send you their products for free in hopes of you reviewing them for your blog.
If you want to connect with your readers personally, you may want to write a blog post about a personal experience that is meaningful to you. The more personal you make it, the more inspiring it will be to the people who read it.
Try to think of something unique in your life or something that formed you as a person. You may want to end the post with a question like “What personal experiences have you had which have also shaped you as a person?” Encouraging interaction with your readers will invoke more reader participation and, ultimately, more of a following.
Make a Vlog
It’s no secret that the world loves to watch videos online. One look at YouTube’s statistics shows that people watch by the millions daily. Creating a blog post, which is the form of a video, known as a vlog, is a great way to create a post using a different medium.
You could either make the video something funny that is scripted or choose to speak candidly to the camera as if you were talking with an old friend. Both styles are trendy and effective in engaging your audience. It’s all about who you are as a blogger and how comfortable you feel.