Millions of people have insomnia and have chronic sleeplessness at night. Simultaneously, some people have learned how to deal with it; some toss and turn in their beds at night, trying to get a decent sleep. Adults should get at least seven hours of sleep, but sleepless nights are the norm for some with insomnia. Luckily, there are things that you can do and change to get quality sleep at night.
1. Your sleeping environment should be dark, quiet, and cool
There is no perfect sleeping environment, but if you can, try to keep yours as comfortable as possible. Background noise, light, and hard pillows and mattresses can interfere with your sleep. Use earplugs to mask any outside noise, and ensure good air circulation by turning on the fan or opening the window. If you find sleeping with an eye mask uncomfortable, you can use blackout curtains to block out any light.
2. Maintain a regular sleep schedule
The body will naturally follow your biological clock. If you can, you should set a definite time for going to bed and waking up at a specific time each day. Weekends are not an exemption. Do it even when you’re tired so that your body will recognize a regular sleep rhythm and follow it.
3. Block off EMFs from your bedroom
EMFs or electromagnetic fields are an invisible cause of insomnia. Scientific studies show how EMF exposure impedes the body’s melatonin production, which affects your body’s circadian rhythm. Unfortunately, EMFs are found everywhere, from power lines to wireless communication devices found in the bedroom. But there are ways that you can protect yourself, such as turning off your phone or putting it in airplane mode. You can also use EMF protection products to protect yourself at all times.
4. Avoid stress or any stimulating activities before going to bed
It’s better to relax before going to bed so you’ll have an easier time falling asleep. Stop using your phone at least an hour before sleeping because the blue light it emits will keep you awake. Avoid checking your social media, discussing or arguing with your spouse, or catching up on emails or work when you’re about to hit the sack. They can always wait until the next day, so for now, prioritize catching some shut-eye.
5. Dodododododoca doesn’t nap during the day
Catching a power nap after 3 p.m. will make it hard for you to fall asleep at night. If you can’t help but doze in the afternoon, limit it to 30 minutes before 3 p.m.
Of course, there are medications or sleeping pills that can help you fall asleep at night. They’re only good for short-term use, though, and may even worsen your insomnia when used for a prolonged period. So, it would help if you still found ways to deal with your insomnia without relying on sleeping pills to get quality sleep at night.