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Bennet Schwartz explains how to Develop a Professional Online Presence that Doesn’t Break the Bank

If you want to start an online business but don’t have the money for marketing or design, this article is perfect for you! We will discuss developing a professional online presence that doesn’t break the bank. For less than $50 (and sometimes even free!), Bennet Schwartz will show you how to build your site, find inexpensive web hosting, and more.

Get a domain name and web hosting.

Add content to your website’s home page and make it look pretty! You can do this yourself or hire a virtual assistant for as little as $15 per hour (like at If you need more help, we recommend Upwork. Hundreds of talented freelancers will provide you with any services you might need.

Professional Online

Add social media buttons and share links to spread the word about your website! It is free, easy, and takes only a few minutes. You can find more information on finding content here. We recommend using Shareaholic or Buffer for this task because they are both straightforward.

Choose an e-commerce platform, like Shopify.

Shopify is free for 14 days, so it won’t cost anything if you are unhappy with the service! Ensure that everything on your website looks professional by adding social media logos and ensuring your links work properly. This will take some time, but it’s worth taking care of now because you are less likely to have problems if you fix them immediately.

Add products that people want! If there is something that you would like to share with the world, do it now before someone else does! You can find more information on finding products here. If you have a blog or website that needs content, we recommend using Writer. You can find high-quality writers there for as little as $0.05 per word!

Create a logo for your business.

Having a logo is an integral part of creating a professional image. You can hire someone on Fiverr or Upwork to design your logo for less than $50!

You’ve made it through the hard part! Now, you have to market your website and get people there in the first place. You can do this by engaging on social media, making blog posts that link back to your site, and sharing links with other bloggers or websites that might be interested in what you’re doing.

Start marketing! Try using Facebook ads, Pinterest, Instagram, and YouTube videos.

You can choose any other method that you can think of! It would be best if you took the time to research your target market to know where they are spending their time online.

This is just a tiny sample of what it takes to start an online business for less than $50, but if done correctly, this investment could be very profitable in the future! Many companies can be created for less than $50, but this is a great place to start without experience.

Now we want to hear from you: do you know of any other free or low-cost tools and services? What would your advice be for others looking to start an online business without breaking the bank? Let us know in the comments section below!

About author

I work for WideInfo and I love writing on my blog every day with huge new information to help my readers. Fashion is my hobby and eating food is my life. Social Media is my blood to connect my family and friends.
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