Have a website and want people to get engaged with the content longer? Of course, the answer would be yes. As they say, practice is far easier to understand than theory. In the same way, telling a great story using creative and appealing designs gives another level of pleasure and longer rendezvous to the users with the information you have uploaded. This will, in turn, increase the viewers and, ultimately, the traffic. Let’s ponder upon important and innovative methods to tell an anecdote with the help of website design.
1. Imagination works wonders: Alluring colors pleasurable for the eyes and visually clear graphics are enough to engage the reader for a longer time. However, try to include photos and videos that appeal to the reader and have the capability to make a decent first impression. Use your imagination and creativity to create fantastic designs and well-comprehended words.
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2. Build up a character for the website: With the word ‘character’ here, I mean a logo or mascot, which can be related to the website’s content. Apart from making the website look fresh and lively, it could also influx important information that engages the users for a longer period, giving a little hint about the story. The character could be real or imaginary and travel through the website to make it look more vibrant and attractive.
3. Encourage involvement of the user: When the user participates in some activity, like clicking on the animations for their training, arrows for moving the page forward, or the most engaging of all, ‘parallax scrolling,’ makes him get more involved with the story and thus more engagement with the website. Simple and highly effective ways include animations with photos, particularly of staff and the people who spin the website.
4. games for the gamers: Here, you can add any preferable match before starting the chronicle, be it a little related to the story you will endow or any random one that can reward the player. The game could be easy and engaging and, if you wish, a little educational. The rewards in the form of coupons and virtual badges will act as a cherry on the cake and undoubtedly elevate the urge to visit the website often.
5. Evocative Microinteractions: Tiny titbits can make the users more interested and involved in the website. You can, for example, look at how social media websites work. When you like a status, the color turns blue; when you want a picture, the heart goes red. This has certainly made people more fascinated to visit certain websites regularly and use such options casually. Try to connect such moments along with special alerts, notifications, and announcements.
6. Narrate in simple ways: Simple is always easy to understand. Try not to make the story a complex series of narrations that a common man can’t understand. Starting with a brief heading with the logo telling the main purpose, elaborative content in the middle telling about who you are and what you will do, and concluding with the special notes, makes the user get engaged and affianced with your story.
7. Keep the story authentic and reliable: Never try to be what you are not. This will not only make your relationship longer with the users but also trustable and more connected. Simple and sober wins the heart, so try to have everything clean and neat with easy understanding and comprehension.