Head lice are tiny insects that feed on blood from the scalp. Head lice most often affect children and are spread via direct contact from one individual’s hair to the next. Head lice don’t carry any bacterial or viral diseases of their own. Head lice symptoms include itching on the scalp, neck, and ears; lice on the scalp – these small insects are hard to see, however, because they are small and move quickly; and lice eggs, or nits, that are present on the hair strands. Nits stick to the strands of hair and are extremely small in size. These units are small and white, making them difficult to see.
Head lice removal can be done in several ways. One common method to get rid of head lice would be to purchase medicated lice shampoo from any pharmacy and apply it to your hair per the directions on the bottle. Once your hair is washed and is still wet, separate your hair into small sections and comb your hair, from scalp to tip, with a fine-toothed comb. Specific combs are made to remove lice with fine teeth – this would be preferable to use over regular combs. After each comb, cleaning the comb thoroughly before combing your hair again is important. Though this is a lengthy process, combing every strand of hair is necessary to eliminate all the lice and nits. Once your hair is combed, soak the comb in hot water with soap for 10 minutes to thoroughly clean it.
Another tip, especially if you have long hair, would be to cut your hair, making removing the lice and nits easier. If there are many lice present, one effective treatment method would be to shave your head – thereby displacing the creeps and getting rid of the nits in one go. If you don’t wish to cut your hair, you will have to use larger amounts of shampoo and comb your hair thoroughly – a process that can take hours. After this process, wash your hair with water and vinegar. Use a mild shampoo so you don’t irritate your scalp. Follow this treatment regularly for a week to get rid of the lice completely.
Another tip would be to wash all your clothes, bedding, pillows, towels, etc. – with specific products to eliminate any lice on your clothes. If this does not work, keep all your clothes in plastic bags in the freezer for 24 hours – this will effectively kill the head lice on the cloth.
Lice Clinics of Canada is a group dedicated to providing professional head lice removal services. The clinics use safe, effective services to remove head lice – either for you or your children. Their services are affordable, allowing you to get rid of your head lice infestation while staying within your budget.