
Motorcycle Accidents and Liability in Houston

Motorcycle accidents differ from other roadway accidents regarding how they are handled according to the law. The injuries that result from motorcycle accidents are typically more severe than other automobile accidents, and the liability regarding who is at fault can differ from different types of vehicular accidents.

If you are injured in a motorcycle accident in Houston, there are some things that you need to know before you can get the compensation that you deserve. The first step is to determine who is at fault for your accident. If you want to know what to do in a motorcycle accident, this is an overview of everything you need to know from a motorcycle accident attorney in Houston.

Motorcycle Accidents and Liability in Houston 1

What are the major risks associated with driving a motorcycle?

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, more than 5000 people died in a motorcycle crash in 2015–10 percent more than in 2014. Riding a motorcycle is a risky way to get around. Being more exposed, motorcycle riders are not only more at risk of an accident but when injured in a motorcycle accident, the injuries are typically very severe. Here are some things to consider:

  • Because motorcycles are much smaller than automobiles, they have much less visibility on the roads. That means that trucks and cars are less likely to see a bike and are prone to cutting them off or pulling out in front of them.
  • Motorcycles are more vulnerable to road hazards. Things like wet roads and potholes can cause a bike to crash much more easily than cause a car accident.
  • A motorcycle leaves the rider much more vulnerable than other transportation forms. When someone is riding a bike, there is not much that comes between the rider and the road when they crash.
  • You have less stability on a motorcycle. Because a bike only has two wheels, it is much less stable than its four-wheeled cousins.
  • Those who ride motorcycles tend to be risk-takers. Statistically, many motorcyclists engage in risky behaviors like speeding, changing lanes, and driving split lanes that lead to accidents.

Who is liable for a motorcycle accident?

Texas is a “fault” state, which means that the driver ,deemed negligent is responsible for paying for any resulting injuries and damages. To prove negligence, you have to show that someone did something to cause an accident directly or failed to act. You must also prove that it was that failure of action that directly led to the accident happening. Once this is determined, whoever is at fault for the accident becomes responsible and liable for paying for the accident’s effects.

What are the elements needed to prove negligence in a motorcycle accident?

In a motorcycle accident, the plaintiff must prove four things to demonstrate that the other driver was at fault and negligent. The plaintiff must show:

  • The defendant didn’t take the additional care required when a motorcyclist was near the car.
  • They didn’t take “reasonable care” to ensure the motorcyclist’s safety. (Reasonable care means that they didn’t behave as another reasonable person would if faced with the same circumstances.)
  • The defendant directly caused the injuries to the motorcyclist.
  • The defendant caused actual injury and damages to the plaintiff. If the motorcyclist can’t prove injury, the motorcycle driver will not receive compensation.

Why should you hire a Houston lawyer for your motorcycle accident?

If you are in a motorcycle accident, regardless of whether you are at fault, you must hire a Houston lawyer experienced in motorcycle accident law. Since motorcycle accidents differ from other types of automobile accidents, you should hire someone versed in motorcycle law and the complexity of figuring out who is at fault. That way, you can trust someone to discover who pays for any resulting injuries or damages. Don’t be stuck paying for someone else’s mistake. Hire the right attorney to protect you.

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I work for WideInfo and I love writing on my blog every day with huge new information to help my readers. Fashion is my hobby and eating food is my life. Social Media is my blood to connect my family and friends.
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