
Difference Between a Divorce Lawyer and a Divorce Mediator

There comes a time when a married couple decides that they must part ways. Divorce brings on some uncertainties and can be a very overwhelming experience for everyone involved. During a divorce, many decisions must be made. Before starting that process, you must determine if you will use a divorce lawyer and go through court or a divorce mediator without using the courts.

Image result for Divorce Lawyer and a Divorce Mediator

A Divorce Lawyer

A lawyer specializing in family law, including divorce, is known as a divorce lawyer. A divorce lawyer will be able to guide you through the divorce process and divorce court. Tensions might be high during a divorce, especially in court. A divorce lawyer will help keep these tensions low and decrease intense emotions during a divorce.

Going through the court system and using a divorce lawyer is best for couples involved in a difficult divorce. It is also the best way for couples if any of the following apply to you:

A Divorce Mediator

If you decide not to go through the courts, you must go through divorce mediation. During divorce mediation, you need a mediator, a neutral third party who meets with the couple to discuss and resolve issues. It is always important to choose a mediator experienced with divorce cases. Remember that that the mediator will not be making the decisions for you. They will help you figure out what is best for you two, without involving the courts.

This option benefits couples who agree to mediation and have no hard feelings towards each other. Divorce mediation is less expensive than going through the courts. It is confidential and never made a public record. These mediation sessions can also help improve communication to help prevent future issues from occurring. You can expect 4 to 10 different mediation sessions until the divorce is complete.

Santa Clara Law Group Can Help

If you need a Santa Clara divorce lawyer, Santa Clara Law Group has the expertise and skills to assist you during your divorce. The legal team at Santa Clara Law Group can also help provide you with the legal advice and guidance you need to go through divorce mediation. They can also serve as a divorce mediator, delivering fair and equal representation to both sides.

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