It’s important to answer the question accurately, “What Is Your Life Purpose?” because most people get it wrong. You’ll hear a short statement declaring this is my Life Purpose, when all that has been said is a life purpose statement that has been made up. There is a tremendous amount of misunderstanding about what a Life Purpose is, and therefore, misinformation about your precise purpose and reason for being here and the meaning of your life. This has led to much confusion. I see it all the time in my clients who have done life-purpose work yet are none the wiser than their actual purpose. If you don’t understand what Life’s Purpose is, in other words, if you don’t fully comprehend the definition of the term and all it entails, then you don’t know what you are looking for. You have to see what you are looking for to find it or to know you have found the right thing when you find something you think might be your purpose. In this article, I wanted to Clarify the term Life Purpose to clarify the question, “What Is Your Life Purpose.”
Let’s start with the Soul – What Is The Soul?
Some people use Spirit and Soul as interchangeable ideas. A dictionary definition of Soul is “The animating and vital principle in humans, credited with the faculties of thought, action, and emotion and often conceived as an immaterial entity.” So, that life force within us comes from the Spirit, different from the Soul. The Soul is the animation in us of that life force. The Soul, then, is an intermediary between our conscious human being, Self, and Spirit. The Soul is our individuality and contains our thoughts, feelings, a blueprint for life, and life’s experiences – our Mission Blueprint. Having all this data available, the Soul is the aspect of our Greater Self that knows the best way to express ourselves and live a life of contentment, fulfillment, value, and meaning. In other words, how to get the most out of this life we are living.
What Is Our Soul’s Purpose?
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Our Soul has a purpose different from our actual Life Purpose and Higher Purpose. Many people use the term Soul Purpose when they mean Life Purpose. The Soul’s Purpose is the same regardless of the individual. That is the purpose of expansion. Your Soul expresses itself by animating your body, working through you to expand – expanding its awareness, consciousness, energy, experiences, understanding, knowledge, and abilities.
What Is Your Life Purpose?
Your Life Purpose, on the other hand, is more precise and focused. Life Purpose differs from Soul Purpose because it carries a greater differentiation and meaning in life. While we all have the same Soul purpose – how you expand, or the best way for you to grow as an individual, is what your Soul has chosen as your Life Purpose. Your Life Purpose is about your life here on earth, not in the spiritual realms. Does that make sense? Your Life Purpose is simply the big picture or umbrella, if you will, of your entire reason for being here. Your purpose is made up of several elements, including:
1. Your Soul’s Primary Expression Modalities: these are how your Soul has determined is best for you to express yourself throughout your life. Our Soul seeks to expand through various experiences, plus several key expression modalities. It’s super important to find your Soul’s Primary Expression Modalities because these are the clues to where your greatest happiness and success can be found. These expression modalities are the biggest clues to how you can also monetize your purpose. They also give clues as to what industry or area in your working world you’d most thrive and succeed in.
2. Your life’s challenges and lessons. At the Soul blueprint level, each of us has coded into our life path plan there a set of primary lessons and challenges we’ve agreed to go through to experience the greatest expansion in our lives. These challenges and lessons are also portals to access our higher abilities or superpowers,. These are the abilities we all have within us to do extraordinary things – like play the piano beautifully or become a contortionist, develop accurate psychic abilities, heal people by looking at them, predict the future, and the like. When we rise to our challenges and life lessons, we are called upon to dig deep within ourselves to find our courage and expand our capabilities. We can step up or stay stuck and struggle in life whenever a challenge comes up on our path.
3. Your “Drivers.” motivate you and drive you from your Soul level, not at the status of your ego or subconscious mind where the drivers are limiting beliefs. At the Soul level, these drivers are found in your passion for certain activities, ideas, or causes. Here’s where you connect with finding meaning and purpose in life.
4. Your “Gift” that makes a difference in the big scheme of things. This is the gift you have that is innate. You naturally do this very thing, and you’re gifted at it. It’s important to find and know what this gift is because here, we get even more clues as to ‘how’ you will carry out your Life Purpose and how you can monetize it accurately. You may even have several gifts that all work synergistically to succeed in living a life of purpose. In connecting to your advantage, you also find your natural confidence, which is important to communicate with. When you connect with your special gift, you also connect with a natural wellspring of faith. You may still experience self-doubt and hesitation, we all do, but you’ll have the building blocks or foundations to strengthen your self-confidence that you can do the very thing you were born to do or that you think you would love to do.
5. Your Higher Purpose. Within your life purpose blueprint are potential for higher expressions of your purpose – Your Higher Purpose. This is where you can make a bigger difference in your life and experience a deeper meaning. Some people come into this world and step on to their Higher Purpose as children. Kid President would be one example. Look him up if you haven’t heard of him. Others step into their higher purpose in early adulthood, while others won’t automatically step into that until later in life. Some people won’t ever step into the higher aspects of their reason for being here. Suppose you’re like me, and you didn’t automatically come into living your Higher Purpose in childhood or early adulthood. In that case, your Soul’s call to step up into this higher expression comes to you through one of two experiences. Sometimes, they dovetail, and you could be experiencing both of these:
Intense dissatisfaction with your current life. Whenever you feel dissatisfied with your life, that is a call to step up, expand, and find and follow your higher purpose. That’s the purpose of dissatisfaction. It’s there to call you into expansion so you can fulfill your Soul’s Purpose and your higher reason for being here.
The other experience is when you are living your Life Purpose, doing what you love, and knowing you’re on track, but nothing seems to be going as well as you’d hoped, and you feel frustrated or dissatisfied about that. That’s also a call to step up to an even higher expression of your purpose.
5a. Within both, your Higher Purpose is your Mission. Sometimes, they are the same, and sometimes, your Mission gives you greater distinctions as to how you are to fulfill your Higher Purpose. You know it’s time to step into finding and carrying out your mission when you think and say statements like:
- I feel I’m supposed to be doing something else, but I don’t know what that is.
- I know I’m here to do something, but I’m not sure what that is.
- I wish I could get on with doing what I’m here to do/supposed to be doing.
- I want my life to have more meaning.
- I want to make a difference – make a big difference -make a bigger difference.