
The Undiscovered Potential of Social Commerce

Social media can do a lot for your brand, including increasing sales, providing inexpensive advertising, better customer service, and a noticeable increase in traffic. As proven, social networks are now important gateways to the eCommerce world.

Here is why you should be thinking of getting involved:

Customer Loyalty Social media makes the relationship between customer and company closer than ever. People can watch product videos, read and write reviews, and engage with other customers, all on one platform. The better your customers’ experience, the more loyal they are likely to be in the future.

Social Commerce

SEO Rankings – It is proven that using social media with your brand will increase traffic to your website. You can create links and bookmarks and encourage comments and shares on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. Such content can help to build up your digital content.

Repeat Purchases -As well as building relationships, social commerce can also help you maintain those relationships with customers. By informing those that follow your brand of any new products and promotions, you will encourage them to shop with you again.


Sales – It can’t hurt to have another platform from which to sell your products and services. On-site such as Facebook and Instagram, you can sell goods directly to consumers, cutting out the step of them having to travel to your website to find the products they want to buy. You can make a virtual shop on Facebook with product listings that people can buy. Plus, the addition of Facebook Marketplace has been a real help for smaller businesses.

About author

I work for WideInfo and I love writing on my blog every day with huge new information to help my readers. Fashion is my hobby and eating food is my life. Social Media is my blood to connect my family and friends.
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