Getting ready to attend university is no small thing to do. For one thing, you are making a move away from the controlled organization of high school and moving to a new educational institution where nobody minds, notices, or cares if you attend lectures or not (well, except for your parents, of course) and where you don’t have to produce any sick note if you don’t attend the class for the whole term. You will fail if you don’t do the work, though, and there’s a lot to be said for being organized and preparing well. To that end, we have compiled a quick guide for you to make it through the uni textbooks to scheduling your classes for the semester – is a breeze.
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Don’t expect to be the best at everything.
Often, the university is full of high-achieving students (especially in the more difficult subjects like law, medicine, and engineering). There is an immense level of pressure on you to succeed in every aspect. We are here to tell you that kind of pressure isn’t productive, and it’s not helpful. You will eventually burn out, and that means even more stress. Of course, you want excellent grades, and you want to be on the sporting team and doing all these extracurricular activities – but something has got to give eventually. To that end, don’t commit yourself to a full-time or even part-time job unless you have to – and we understand that lots of uni students have to work more than they would like to – but try to keep as much time free for study and other commitments. A good, frugal budget will help here – and you’ll be surprised how much money you save just by cutting back on Uber Eats…
Prioritize your sleep
Many students don’t get enough sleep, which is a huge problem considering that higher amounts of sleep contribute to your overall success at university. You all know that you should limit technology time before bed and spend enough time exercising, so instead of scrolling Instagram and browsing Facebook at 1 a.m., turn your phone over and get to sleep.
Get organized
Nothing beats a good old planner when it comes to setting out your goals and plans for the year. Get yourself a school diary (they usually give them out in the first week of term), and make sure you plan everything out on a calendar, ready to work for the semester.
While it might seem imprudent to allocate exercise time when you could be studying, know that exercising is vital for your academic success. When getting ready for the semester, you want to be in peak physical condition so you’re not prone to sickness or illness. And if you’re worried about keeping up your exercise during the semester and finding time for study – remember that you can multi-task by listening to podcasts of your lectures while jogging ot at the gym.
Don’t compare yourself to other people.
Okay, that guy from your tutorial is super happy with his great 98% grade on his latest paper. So what. He probably has no social life while you are dedicating time to volunteer work and various other commitments. If you start thinking that you should be doing as well as so-and-so, you will only spiral. Could you not do it? Get in the habit of being okay with yourself before uni starts, and keep up that practice.
Do seek help when you need it.
If you are feeling low, depressed, or anxious, don’t go it alone. Ask for help – because there are a heck of a lot of options out there for you if you need mental health assistance. Use your university counselors and speak to your peers about how you’re feeling – chances are they are feeling the same way as well.
Register with a good GP
To ensure you have access to great health and support, ensure you’re registered with a good GP near your uni or home. If you’ve moved house or cities to go to uni, this is particularly salient.