
Identify Your Crimes to Choose Right Attorney

A lawyer or attorney is a legal professional representing a business or clients in court while defending or pleading a case. Before hiring a lawyer, you must understand the nature of your criminal charges. It will help you to choose the right attorney. For instance, you will need a Record Expungement Attorney to expunge your criminal record. Here are some criminal charges that require you to hire particular lawyers.


Facts to Know about Marijuana Charges

Keeping cannabis or marijuana with you is regarded as an intentional possession. Each state has its specific regulations for the possession of marijuana and its uses. Recreational and medical use of marijuana is still illegal in several states. If you want to use pot, it is essential to understand marijuana charges in your country. Here are some facts to know about marijuana charges in California:


Selling or Legal Possession of Marijuana

Personal use of one ounce or even less marijuana is a violation in California. It doesn’t mean that the possession is not legal. You have to meet legal requirements for keeping marijuana for medical purposes. You may face penalties or fines for maintaining marijuana without fulfilling legal needs.

The sale of marijuana is a crime in California until you get authorization by California’s law to dispense medicinal marijuana.

Illegal to Grow Marijuana

Keeping marijuana can’t be the same as holding a plant of marijuana. In some zones, growing cannabis can be an offense. If you are consulting a doctor to use marijuana medically, you are subject to a confusing range of California regulations governing hemp farming.

A default law permits you to have almost six mature or twelve immature marijuana plants. Several communities have zoning laws to eradicate the cultivation of marijuana. Court challenges and state regulations give a mix of results to Californian citizens.

Medical Marijuana Can’t Be a Shield.

If your doctor recommends using cannabis to treat a medical condition, you can use it as a defense to keep marijuana with you. This defense may not protect you in the following circumstances:

  • Having marijuana more than the allowed limit is illegal. Finding out its permitted limit is complicated. A patient can keep almost 8 ounces of marijuana at a time, but this quantity may be higher on a doctor’s recommendation. Municipalities can increase this amount. It can be challenging to know the exact amount in your possession. The situation may increase the chances of legal charges.
  • The law may authorize you to keep marijuana with you, but you can’t sell it to another person. You will be prosecuted for selling medical marijuana without a license.
  • You can’t be a part of an unauthorized collection of medical marijuana. The laws of California are inconsistent. You may face legal consequences after collecting marijuana from an illegal source.

The possession of marijuana can increase your troubles. In this situation, you may face marijuana charges. You will need a qualified medical marijuana attorney. They can handle these cases with their expertise and broad experience. With their knowledge of federal regulations about marijuana, they can save you from fines and penalties.

In several states, possession of alternative forms of cannabis is illegal. Several states followed suit, and it is unlawful to keep synthetic marijuana. The difference between fake and real marijuana forces agencies to send marijuana to laboratories for testing. They get a scientific report to prove that this substance is marijuana. You can expect a penalty or punishment if an officer gives testimony against you.

Appeals Attorney

After getting punishment for an offense, each state gives you a right to appeal. Your attorney can ask to set aside your conviction through an appeal because the verdict is not supporting evidence or the judge was wrong. To increase the chances of your success, you will need an appeals attorney for your support. Before selecting an attorney, you must check his background and experience in handling similar cases.

The lawyer who was dealing with your trial can be an excellent resource. He can refer you to a reliable attorney. If your old attorney is not helping you, you can contact the nearby bar association. You can contact them or visit their website to get an appellate attorney.

Website of Appeal Attorney

Fortunately, several attorneys are available online. You can visit their sites to learn about their experience handling similar cases, background appeals, and drug offenses. Carefully evaluate the skills and expertise of an attorney. Check the layout, grammar, and spelling of the website. If this website has these errors, you should avoid this lawyer because they can be careless.

Get Ready for Consultation

You may not have time to spend with a lawyer, so you must plan your work accordingly. It will be good to talk to the lawyer’s secretary to learn about the needed documents. A secretary can tell you about important documents. For instance, you have to carry essential documents with you that explain the reason for your conviction.

Writing a summary of the evidence available against you will be good. For instance, identify a person who affirmed against you. It is vital to mention physical proof, such as DNA, fingerprints, and bullets.

Discuss Possibilities of Appeal

While consulting an appeals attorney, you have to describe the evidence against you. The attorney may ask different questions. It would help if you answered these questions honestly. You can’t hide anything from your lawyer.

You may ask them about the possible consequences of an appeal. Ask your lawyer to discuss different issues that are useful for request. For instance, an attorney may think that you lack supporting evidence. Moreover, a lawyer may find errors in police reports while collecting testimonies. There are chances that a judge has excluded some important proofs from your trial.

Discuss the Fee of Attorney

It would help if you asked about the fee of an attorney before hiring him. Ask about the charges of a lawyer and available payment options. A few lawyers may offer a payment plan to make it affordable. Choosing an attorney within your budget is essential. Feel free to ask about the mode of payment. Make everything clear in advance to avoid hidden charges.

Question about Experience

Your appeals attorney must have experience in similar cases. A lawyer is responsible for writing a legal brief with solid arguments, which trial attorneys rarely do. For this reason, you have to choose an experienced and skilled person for appeals.

Before choosing an appeals attorney, you can ask about his experience handling appeals. Check their success rate at the appellate court. It will help you in the selection of the right attorney.

Why do you need the services of an Expungements Lawyer?

A criminal record can be a source of embarrassment. It will impair your educational options or career prospects and restrict you from joining certain professions. Possible business partners may feel hesitant while doing business with a person with a criminal record. This situation can be dangerous for you, even without a conviction. Employers run background checks before giving you a job. They will not choose a person with a criminal background.

If you want to avoid this situation, you can consider an expungement. With the help of an expungement lawyer, you can apply to seal your criminal records and conceal this information from potential employers. To get this advantage, you must send an application to the court to expunge your records. Hire a Record Expungement Attorney who can convince the court to delete your criminal record.

Benefits of an Expungement

Sometimes, an expungement can seal your record but doesn’t destroy these records. Certain government agencies and police can access it. An expungement may allow you to get these advantages:

  • Potential employers will not learn of a trial or arrest.
  • Lenders or landlords can’t learn of your problem or arrest.
  • An expungement may decrease your difficulties while applying for any professional license.
  • An expungement will help you to conceal your foolish mistakes.

Tips to Choose the Right Expungement Lawyer

While choosing the best Record Expungement Attorney, you can start by shortlisting some good expungement lawyers in your area. Make sure to check their licenses to practice in your state. You can compare these lawyers based on their experience and reputation for expungement cases.

You have to consider the legal fees while choosing the best lawyer. Checking the outcomes of his old cases will be good. You can request record expungement, but there is no guarantee that the judge will give you a positive answer. For this reason, you will need an experienced attorney to represent your case. An experienced attorney can increase your success chances.

Don’t Run After Lowest Bids.

Some websites promote affordable expungement services. These services look attractive, but it is essential to be careful before choosing them. Before selecting a law firm, it is your responsibility to find out their fee and taxes. It will save you from surprise fees and hidden costs.

Some businesses promise astonishing results for the lowest prices. They are unable to fulfill their promises. There is no need to run after these services. Make sure to read online reviews to evaluate their reputation. You have to research to hire a reliable person for you.

Check Availability

It is an essential consideration when choosing the best Record Expungement Attorney. Accessibility is necessary for the successful completion of a case. You have to ensure that your attorney is available to represent your case.

A person should start their work quickly to seal your criminal record. Select a person with sufficient time to deal with your case. A lawyer must have an excellent reputation. Before selecting a person, check his experience and reputation. You can check the review of his old clients. Start your search with this place:


  • “Record Expungement Attorney
  • 4000 MacArthur Blvd 6th
  • Floor #622 East Tower
  • Newport Beach, CA 92660
  • 714-627-5727
About author

I work for WideInfo and I love writing on my blog every day with huge new information to help my readers. Fashion is my hobby and eating food is my life. Social Media is my blood to connect my family and friends.
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