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How Mortgage Brokers Package Mortgage Applications

Have you ever wondered what a mortgage broker does with a client’s application and supporting documents? In simple terms, the broker submits that collection of information to lenders in hopes of securing a mortgage. The process is known in the industry as ‘packaging’ a mortgage.


Mortgages have to be packaged because brokers are not lenders. They are individuals tasked with the responsibility of matching lenders with buyers. A broker looks at an extensive list of criteria on both sides of the table to create a good match. Then, the broker must gather the borrower’s information and pass it along to the lender. The packaging is all about presenting that information in just the right way.

Knowing What Lenders Want

All mortgage applications are reviewed by loan officers and underwriters, who eventually make the call. These individuals are trained to look for particular things. They are trained to seek out specific data that can be analyzed to determine whether or not a mortgage is worthwhile. Mortgage brokers know this.

The advantage of working with a mortgage broker is that they know how to emphasize positive data and downplay data that might hurt a loan application. This is part of the packaging process. The broker knows what lenders want to see in an application. They also know what they do not want to see. A broker cannot provide false information but can emphasize the positives to increase the likelihood of a positive result.

We can explain this in a bit more detail with an example. You are a self-employed contractor working with a mortgage broker recommended by friends. During your initial meeting, you notice that this mortgage broker notes your self-employment income and the documentation you have to support it. His knowledge of the mortgage application process could become invaluable here.

Lenders are less trusting of self-employed applicants because their income is harder to document. Your broker knows this. They will likely recommend that you produce several years of business records, tax records, and other information supporting your income claims. The more documentation you can create, the better your chances of getting a mortgage.

Making Your Case to Lenders

Income documentation is just one of the things brokers have to concern themselves with. They must also look at credit scores, current debt limits, income-to-loan ratios, etc. They leave no stone unturned in the quest to package a mortgage application properly. The whole point is to make your case to lenders.

What do we mean by this? A mortgage broker works to convince lenders that you deserve a mortgage. It is their job to make the case that you are a reasonable risk, not default, and that lenders will make money by loaning. That is what packaging is all about.

If it helps, think of it when applying for a job. You can have a stellar job history and an impeccable educational record and still not get a job simply because you ddon’tknow how to package yourself. You put in application after application only to be denied. Finally, an employment consultant tells you why you are having trouble: you’re not giving potential employers the critical information they need about you.

So what do you do? You repackage your information in a CV, showing potential employers why they should hire you. Now, you start getting interviews and offers. You have not changed as a potential employee, but you have changed how you present yourself. Mortgage brokers do the same thing when packaging mortgage applications.

They Know the System

The realities of mortgage packaging explain why many experts recommend using mortgage brokers instead of going directly to lenders. The truth is that mortgage brokers know the system better than anyone else. They know it better than loan officers and underwriters.

Loan officers and underwriters have plenty of knowledge within their sphere of influence but lack understanding of other lenders and markets. An independent mortgage broker knows it all. A good broker with years of experience has come up against almost every hurdle the industry can throw.

They have dealt with lenders willing to embrace just about every applicant. Likewise, they have dealt with very picky lenders scrutinizing even the smallest details. They have worked with banks, building societies, and online private lenders.

Thoroughly knowing the system is what allows mortgage brokers to package applications properly. They see the system tells them what information to ask for, how to compile that information, and how to present it to lenders in such a way as to make the cclient’scase. That shows the reverse mortgage system works, and tthat’swhy obtaining a mortgage through a broker is almost always the best option. For those 62+, your mortgage broker will work with a lender to deliver your application to the right HECM underwriter.

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I work for WideInfo and I love writing on my blog every day with huge new information to help my readers. Fashion is my hobby and eating food is my life. Social Media is my blood to connect my family and friends.
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