Application – computer software that is designed for a specific type of activity.
Assistant – Perhaps you are already familiar with this. The assistant appears as a dopey dog or a bouncing ball, mostly on the screen’s right-hand side. Its task is to try to guess what you may need help with. Based on your actions. As you type, it will provide relevant help topics. It cannot read your mind; this is where you learn their command language.
Bookmark – A saved link to a web address, also called a hotlist entry or favorite place.
Boot – To boot your computer means to start it up. To give the computer more space for memory.
Browser – A software that finds and displays web pages and other documents stored on the Internet. A program used to connect to sites on the World Wide Web.
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Byte – Generally, a text character is defined by eight bits equal to one byte. A kilobyte is 1024 bytes, while a megabyte equals 1024 Kilobytes.
CD-ROM – A compact disc read-only memory, a disk similar to an audio CD that stores information data that can only be read.
Channel – A web page set up for continuous updating.
Click – To click the mouse button, then release it.
Client – A program such as a web browser connects to a centralized server program and obtains information from it.
Client-Server model – A method of sharing computer and network resources by centralizing some functions with a server and allowing individual clients to connect to the server to perform those functions.
Cookies are bits of data that websites put on computers to track what people do online. You can use your browser to delete cookies from kids’ hard disks.
CPU – Central processing unit. Is the main microprocessor or the electronic brain inside the computer?
Crash – Computer software or hardware failure, which freezes the computer.
Cursor – The arrow on a monitor indicates where you are working on the screen.
Customize –
Ø Word 2000 creates a bunch of customized documents. One primary letter for each person in your database (as in the address book).
Ø To send the same letter to more than one person, only the names and addresses will change.
Data – A source and piece of information.
Database – An organized store of information.
Data source – A document that contains a list of information
Desktop – The main interface of the operating system that is shown on the screen of your computer after it has started up and before any programs are running
Desktop Publishing – Creates magazines, newspapers, or other printed material using a desktop computer and page layout software.
Detailed Area – A form’s main body will contain all required fields, lines, texts, and text boxes.
Dialler – Software that connects your computer to an Internet service provider.
DTP – Desktop Publishing.
Digital – Any device that utilizes binary code. All computers are digital.
Disk Drive – The device that holds, reads, and writes onto a disk such as a floppy or zip disk.
Downloading means copying files from the Internet to your computer’s hard disk.
Drag – To click on something and move it to a new place while holding down the mouse button.
Drop Down List – This list displays a set of choices.
DVD – A versatile digital disk that resembles a CD-ROM but can hold seven times more information.
Edit – A time-saving feature that helps you with text in a document service available, such as deleting documents, spelling, and grammar.
Email – Electronic mail allows you to send messages to other people and organizations on the Internet or linked to your computer on a network.
Fax Modem – A device that allows you to connect your computer to other computers via phone lines and send and receive faxes.
Field Properties – This area will allow you to set up field rules and formats. The options may change depending on the data type you selected for a field.
Field Size – This allows us to set the size of a field. It will fill a fixed space on the disk. It is wise to have a minimum length specified for each parcel.
Field Format – This section appears instead of the field size when you have selected a date or numerical data type. The Field format will display the date or number in a specific format.
Field Caption – This controls the field name in a form or report. The actual field is called Name. However, the caption may display a label reading Member Name in the states and report areas.
Files – A block of information on a hard or floppy disk. Information like word processing, a document stored on slack or the hard disk is called files.
Filter – A special effect that can be applied to a graphics image, such as texture. Usually found in Paint, such as Adobe Photoshop.
Floppy Disks – A portable data storage disk. Floppies hold about 1.4MB of data and are only useful for storing text files.
Folder – A storage place for computer files. Folders can store anything from applications to your work.
Font – Different kinds of letters in the alphabet that you can use and change to any size and shape.
Footer – This area will be displayed at the bottom of each form view. It will generally contain specific text, borders, or fields.
Format – This makes your document’s appearance and carries various Fonts, Styles, and colors, working with Spacing, margins, and creating columns.
FTP – File Transfer Protocol, also used to describe Internet public file archive sites (FTP sites)
Hacking – This is when someone illegally influences and controls another computer system.
Hard Copy – The output of computer information as a copy on paper.
Hard Disk – A computer’s main storage disk holds the operating system and application files.
Hardware – The equipment that makes up a computer disk drive, processor, monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer, etc.
Ø (The Form Header) – This is the area displayed at the top of the form view. It generally contains a heading of what the form is about
Ø (The Page Header) – This area will be displayed at the top of each printed page.
Homepage – The central document or default start-up page of a World Wide Web or individual page.
HTML – The hypertext markup language. The language consists mainly of formatting tags that describe a document for the World Wide Web, including structural formatting and hyperlinks.
: -) Smiling: -D laughing: -O shocked or surprised: -(Sad; -) Winking
; – P poking out your tongue
; – * Kiss
Icons – A small graphic displayed on the computer screen represents a command or file.
Image Map – An image that connects to different URLs depending on which part of the image is clicked.
Import – To put a file you saved and bring it back to continue your task.
Index – This will sort automatically in ascending order by this field. It can slow the data entry process, as it will sort itself while you are entering the data.
Integration – The convergence of two technologies into one, such as the mythical convergence of TV and computers.
Internet – A collection of networks and computers worldwide, all sharing information or at least email, using agreed-upon Internet protocols. An international network of millions of university, government, commercial, and private Computers
Internet importance – Why is the Internet important to the future of Kids?
a) Research/homework
b) Staying in touch with anyone, everyone all around the globe.
c) All visual information on hobbies and sports
d) Downloading files playing music, TV, games, and surfing along with the three WWW.
Intranet – This is the small version of the Internet, usually operating within a corporation—the Internet’s technology on a smaller scale.
IP – Internet Protocol
IRC – Internet Relay cat (this needs special software)
Java – A computer language designed to extend the Web’s capabilities, can only present information in predefined formats, mostly Text, pictures, and simple animation.
Justification – To justify means to line up evenly.
Link – A specially designed word or image that, when clicked, takes a web browser to a new page or other destination with an embedded web address.
Manipulate – users on the Internet can easily manage, influence, or change cleverly and unfairly for their purpose and advantage. So take extra care, and good people you will also find bad—special care with images and graphics software packages.
Modem – The box that connects your computer to a normal phone line.
Mouse – The computer tool you hold, click, and lead you to actions and commands.
Multimedia incorporates many different media, often including text, pictures, sounds, video, animation, etc.
Netscape Navigator – The Web Browser
Net – A loosely defined term suggests the loose association of all or most computers. This term generally refers to a more inclusive set of linked networks than just the Internet, but it also corresponds roughly to the Internet.
Net-casting – Publishing Web content continuously to subscribed viewers, also called webcasting and push.
Options Button – This marks a black dot that appears in its center. Only one option button in a group can be drawn. They are sometimes referred to as the Radio Buttons.
Page – On the World Wide Web, an HTML document.
PC – The personal computer used widely by the computer industry to refer to IBM computers.
Pixel – A single dot on a computer screen.
Port – A connector part of the computer that allows you to connect a device such as a printer, a digital camera, a microphone, etc.
Portal – A major Web site that large numbers of visitors use as a starting point on the Web
Punctuation – The practice of inserting marks into your text.
ROM – A read-only memory instruction stored for some time until such time that the computers are turned off. That is why you must save important documents to a floppy disk at the end of the day, saving your work on an external disk.
Safety/Awareness – Personal details about your name, address, and phone numbers.
Save/ Save As – When saving a file or document, it will automatically enter the report title name as the file name. If you use the same function but want to be more specific about the file name, you must use Save As. You can save web pages as files and store them on your hard drive or /and print them.
Scroll Bars – This allows you to browse through a document and Is located on the right side of your window.
Search engines – Allows users to search for files and pages on the Internet, entering keyboards that are run against a database.
There are three different types of search engines: –
Ø Standard Search Engines uses a combination of commands established by the user to search for World Wide Web documents from the database.
Ø Search Engines: This growth has led to the development of Metasearch tools, often referred to as threaded search engines. These allow the user to search multiple databases simultaneously via a single interface.
SubjectGuides: The subject guides are organized indexes of subject categories that allow the Web searcher to browse through lists of websites by the subjects. They are compiled and maintained by people and may include a search engine for searching their database.
Server – A piece of software or a machine that acts as a centralized source of information or computing resources such as websites, gopher menus, FTP archives, and so on that are available to clients.