
Best WordPress Plugins That Make Your Blog Badass

What is the best wordpress plugin? If you guys are brand new to the idea of blogging, a wordpress plugin is just an add-on that you can put into your blog. There are all sorts of various plugins at your disposal. But only a really handful of wordpress plugins are USEFUL to converting more of your readers into buyers, email opt-ins, or loyal readers.


So what are they?

Let us get into the thick of it, as they say… Now, these are not just fluff stuff that will slow your blog down. These are the #1 things that can grow traffic to your blog and make it 200-500% better than where it currently sits if you’re flying solo without any at all.

Time to dive in!

Top 10 Best WordPress Plugins

1. Facebook Share

This was the original Facebook share button. Many blogs have gone away with this blog in favor of the “like” button. I say BOTH are important. Here is why the old Facebook share button makes our little best plugins list.

It allows social proof to be seen much quicker and more dramatically. As we know, readers are more enticed if they see that many people share an article or a piece of content. Having that at the top lets us display how many times we have been shared on Facebook. The “like” plugin ruins a lot of the headspace in your blog, which is why I include it at the bottom of my blog versus the top.


The FB share button is still super effective and highly recommended!

2. Tweetmeme

This plugin is pretty much the same as Facebook share. The only obvious difference is that it is for Twitter, not Facebook! I am not a HUGE fan of Twitter, as any of you who follow me already know. I rarely use it, though I should; a lot of our readers do use Twitter and love it. So allow them to spread the love across their 140-character-long diaries.

3. Facebook Like Button

I love the Like button; I include it at the end of every blog post. The cool thing is it will tell you everyone who liked it, and sometimes it’ll be someone the reader is friends with or respects if they are heavy in your niche. This causes them to respect you and your content even more and makes them more likely to share your stuff with the world.

4. Commentluv

Let us be honest. The majority of people reading a blog, especially in making money niches and network marketing niches, have something they want to sell. To reward these people for commenting on our blogs, we become a “Dofollow” blog and allow their latest blog posts to appear. This will enable them to do a bit better advertising of their content when they comment to enrich our own.

I love commentluv cause it builds delicious backlink juice, which, for you SEO nuts, is awesome.

I have people hiring and outsourcing people to come and comment on this blog. I have no idea how many, but I am sure the fact I have commentluv is a big reason! (Other than my AMAZING content!)

5. All In One SEO Pack

Even though it constantly wants to update itself, which is semi-annoying, this is an awesome plugin for SEO junkies and any real-time blogger. Because it allows you to put in all the SEO info you need at once, put it in, and you’re done.

This is a requirement if you won’t be successful with SEO on a blog, as far as I am concerned and easy to use.

6. Google Analyticator

This plugin is a behind-the-scenes deal, but by using this tool, you can get quick updates on traffic coming to your blog. What is even cooler is going into the back office they have, and you can see exactly where everyone is coming from. Whether predominantly from Facebook or from the search engines. Of course, the biggest traffic source you want is “Direct.”

This means people just come on the internet and type in your blog into the address bar! Because those are the people who are loyal fans and like what you have to say.

Other useful information is things like understanding bounce rates and the most frequented pages on your blog. Please don’t get lost in the numbers, but know what they are saying about your blog so you can adjust and optimize everything.

7. Google XML Sitemaps

Also, a powerful SEO plugin. This automatically creates a sitemap on your blog, which helps with SEO. The sitemap organizes everything neatly and makes the Google spiders and gods go through your content and index it quicker and better. (Which means higher rankings on the search engines)

8. WP EzineArticles

I like this; I have no idea how helpful it TRULY is, but I believe it is worth having on your blog even if you’re not big into article marketing. It creates a little box in your wordpress “Add new post” section. When you are done writing your post, you can click the “submit” button, and it will automatically send your blog post to EzineArticles as a submitted article, all in a few seconds.

It saves a lot of hassle if you enjoy submitting articles like me.

9. ThatMLMBeat Beat It Button

I just started using this myself; it is a plugin similar to tweetmeme, but instead of Twitter, it shares your content on ThatMLMBeat. A website community focused on blogging in the MLM/network marketing and internet marketing niches. Whenever someone clicks on it, your post will get bumped to the top and front page of their community.

This is pretty awesome targeted traffic for most of us in this niche! You do need a ThatMLMBeat account, but that’s for free unless you want the premium. Highly recommend it.

10. SSG Google WordPress Audio Player

I LOVE this thing. This is one of my favorite wordpress plugins, if not THE BEST wordpress plugin on this list, in my opinion.

You see, I hate doing videos, but I love doing audio. (You know, got that hot Alaskan silky voice, haha.) and doing interviews. I have a small library of interviews with many six-figure income earners in our profession I have been waiting to whip out and never had a chance until I found my hosting solution. See, I was messing with Amazons3 and all this other crap I couldn’t figure out till my friend Brandon Connell told me about this plugin.

About author

I work for WideInfo and I love writing on my blog every day with huge new information to help my readers. Fashion is my hobby and eating food is my life. Social Media is my blood to connect my family and friends.
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