
Are Alternatives Available to Traditional Health Benefits?

More people are changing jobs regularly than before to climb the career ladder. Workopolis noted in a 2014 study that 88% of people had to change companies to obtain better positions, and only 51% kept the same job for less than two years. This makes it exceedingly difficult for smaller businesses to keep employees and offer them healthcare plans that are as affordable and competitive as those offered by larger corporations.

3 Health Insurance Alternatives to Consider Today - 180 Healthcare

Many small business owners believe that group health insurance is the only option for employees. Many of them aren’t even aware that other options, such as the Health Spending Accounts (HSAs), are available through Benecaid.

Benefits of Health Spending Accounts

HSAs provide employees with predictable costs. They are also pre-funded, meaning that companies deposit set amounts into an account, which are then used to cover the cost of submitted claims. If the full amount in the HAS isn’t used, the funds’ balance is rolled over to the next year.


Another benefit of this is that employees can choose how to spend their plan funds instead of being limited to predetermined amounts in categories that they might not even use. These accounts provide employers with the benefit of a set budget while giving employees control over how their funds are allocated. All of these benefits mean that HSAs are ideal options for small and medium businesses to provide a counter-offer to healthcare options offered by larger corporations, thus helping to retain as many of their employees as possible.

Benefits of Working with Benecaid

Small business owners can enjoy numerous benefits when working with Benecaid. For a start, sole proprietors and companies who don’t have any experience in developing a small business benefits plan from scratch have found that working with a trained and experienced Benecaid Advisor helps them to create benefit plans that are the most suitable for their businesses.

Benecaid firmly believes that it’s essential to ensure that all potential candidates and existing employees know what benefits they are entitled to. It is also crucial to look at Benecaid insurance plans for small business owners. The company has helped many small and medium businesses remain as competitive as possible in the marketplace by being able to retain top talent in their industries.

Your dedicated Benecaid advisor will work with you to learn more about the plans and HSAs available through the company. This will help ensure that you can provide your employees with the best benefit of all – namely, peace of mind knowing that their medical expenses will be taken care of.

About author

I work for WideInfo and I love writing on my blog every day with huge new information to help my readers. Fashion is my hobby and eating food is my life. Social Media is my blood to connect my family and friends.
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