
3 Lesser Known Reasons for Stress that Might be Taking a Toll on Your Heart & Longevity

We get so busy with life that we often overlook our only wealth- Our health. Urban lifestyle often revolves around creature comforts, and race is about acquiring most of them. In the process, we develop a ‘coping’ lifestyle that compromises our well-being & longevity in general. Life in metropolitan cities is taking a toll on our minds, bodies, and souls. Long working hours, poor work-life balance, the rising cost of living, no recreation time, unhealthy food, lack of physical activity, and pollution are just reasons behind increasing stress & anxiety among individuals.


While your heart can have a health insurance term plan like Aviva’s HeartCare, it is better to prevent unforeseen health risks altogether.

So, to generate awareness, we have compiled a list of 3 lesser-known reasons for stress that might be taxing your heart & general well-being.

Let us get started!


A few years back, nobody would have believed that a person could suffer from ‘Mental Burnout.’ Yes, it is an actual mental & physical condition and is much more damaging than stress & anxiety. Mental Burnout occurs after exposure to a prolonged period of chronic stress. Chronic stress can have various underlying reasons. For instance, being stuck in a highly demanding job, feeling unfulfilled in relationships, constantly pushing towards your targets with too much energy, different crises, etc., can lead to chronic stress.

If stress is left untreated, it turns into Burnout.

What is Burnout?

Burnout is the constant feeling of physical, mental & emotional exhaustion. A person constantly lives in a state of anhedonia.’ Anhedonia means the inability to feel happiness, excitement, or positivity. Burnout takes away all the motivation from a person, affecting their relations, career, & personal well-being.

More importantly, if mental Burnout is not diagnosed and left untreated for a long time, it can weaken the heart muscles. For instance, studies have found that Burnout from a job can seriously compromise a person’s heart health.

You must identify this mental-physical health condition, stay clear with a good work-life balance, and focus on truly important things.

Social Isolation & Loneliness

It wouldn’t be an understatement to say that major metropolitan cities are infested with social isolation and loneliness. This is especially true for older adults and senior citizens. You may ask What social isolation has to do with heart health. Well, EuroHeartCare 2018 released similar findings in its recent study. The study emphasized that social isolation and loneliness are terrible factors for a person’s heart health. Not only can isolation lead to severe heart-related conditions in the future, but it is also linked to a weaker immune system.

If you want to do your heart a favor and bet on longer living years, become socially active and stay close to your loved ones. Make it a habit to go out with your family, siblings, best friends, and office colleagues. You will be doing yourself a big favor!

Fear & Uncertainty

While no two individuals are alike, their perceptions and attitudes can be categorized under a single column. Fear & uncertainty are certainly based on a person’s perception, attitude & psychological makeup. However, many people find themselves drowning in the pool of stress due to fear & uncertainty of life’s nature. For instance, a person might find himself under pressure thinking about a hypothetical (but likely) medical condition that can occur to him in the future. The reason behind this thought process is the uncertainty that arises from the realization of being ‘insecure’ or having no possible way out if such a situation arises. Iff a person gets health insurance and life cover, hisstress levell will plummet dramatically.

Similarly, the environment we surround ourselves with plays a crucial role in shaping our outlook towards life. This includes people, the nature of our work, proximity to friends & family, daily life risks, media exposure, education, etc. The more positive our surroundings are, the lesser the chances of uncertainty & negativity-induced stress seeping into our minds. The bottom line is to remove the fear from within because it induces stress, which is bad for the heart. For uncertainties, you can always hedge your risk with smart decisions.

In an ideal world, stress would never have existed, and we’d all be destined to live for hundreds of years. Since this is real life, keeping the above factors at bay from your life will help you keep your heart healthy and jolly for a long life! Aviva Health Plans has your back for any unforeseen risk that is out of your control.

About author

I work for WideInfo and I love writing on my blog every day with huge new information to help my readers. Fashion is my hobby and eating food is my life. Social Media is my blood to connect my family and friends.
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