
10 Tips For Removing Mold and Mildew

  1. Check for Plumbing Leaks- moisture build-up is the biggest cause of Mold and mildew. Therefore, the first thing you should do to stop the recurrence and the existence of Mold is to check plumbing leaks. The simplest way to do this is to allow water to flow while simultaneously checking to see where it is leaking out of
  2. Don’t Ignore Mold- if you find Mold anywhere at all, even in the smallest amount, it is important to address it immediately. Depending on where you live, the weather conditions could cause the problem to exacerbate if not treated immediately.
  3. Look for Outside Leaks- if your mold problem is on the outside of the house, whether on the wall or the ceiling, make sure to look for rotting wood around to prevent the problem from spreading inside.
  4. Inspect the Ductwork- if Mold is found on the ceiling of a room and you have checked for plumbing leaks, faulty Ductwork may cause your mold problem. False Ductwork can allow moisture to enter and stagnate if not insulated properly.
  5. Is it Mold or Dirt?- before you start cleaning procedures for Mold, confirm that it is Mold and not simply a layer of dirt. You can do this by buying mold testing kits that are easily available.
  6. Use an Antimicrobial Spray- once you remove the Mold from the affected area and clean it, you can spray the area with an antimicrobial spray to prevent the infestation from coming back.
  7. Use Mold-Resistant Building Materials- if you have already been faced with an excessive build-up of Mold, the only solution for you would be to remove the walls or parts of the house affected and rebuild it, this time with material that cannot be affected by Mold such as paperless drywall.
  8. Use Paint With Mildewcide- areas prone to molds, such as basements and dark rooms, should be sprayed with antimicrobial treatment and painted with mildewcide present in the paint itself.
  9. Missing Insulation Feeds Mold- in addition to being affected by moisture, Mold can also grow due to poor insulation, resulting in warm air entering areas that are already damp and ill-lit and, therefore, worsening. Make sure to maintain the internal humidity of the mold-prone regions using dehumidifiers or fans. If the problem persists, open the wall and fix it at the root.
  10. Win the War Against Bathtub Mold- to prevent Mold from building around your bathtub, seal the surrounding area, including the walls, with antimicrobial treatments. Additionally, use grout sealant on the floor to ensure water does not seep. If there is too much Mold already present, remove all affected areas and reapply tiling and grout sealant along with antimicrobial treatment.

10 Tips For Removing Mold and Mildew 1

If you face a mold problem, the best thing to do would be to hire a professional mold inspection company. The Mold Facts is a company that specializes in inspecting Mold in different parts of your house and telling you the best way to address these problems. Click on to know more.

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I work for WideInfo and I love writing on my blog every day with huge new information to help my readers. Fashion is my hobby and eating food is my life. Social Media is my blood to connect my family and friends.
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